Invisalign Vs. Braces: Which is More Effective?

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Invisalign vs braces which is more effective

Orthodontics is a sector of dentistry that focuses on the detection, prevention, and treatment of misaligned jaws and teeth. If you have been told by a dentist in Saskatoon that you require orthodontic treatment, you may be struggling to decide between dental braces and Invisalign. While both have their advantages, Invisalign has become much more popular over the years. In this article, our team at Saskatoon Smiles breaks down orthodontics to help you make a decision.

Why Choose Invisalign Over Braces?

One of the biggest advantages that come with choosing Invisalign is the cosmetic benefits that come with it. Patients will not have to deal with unsightly brackets and wires or the pain and sores that can come with them. Furthermore, Invisalign is more convenient for cleaning and eating purposes due to the removable nature of the aligners.

Do Braces Work Quicker than Invisalign?

The length of treatment time varies for each patient depending on the severity of their misalignment and their commitment to treatment. It is possible to reach the treatment goal with Invisalign sooner than braces in some cases; however, braces will be quicker in other cases.

If you are considering getting Invisalign in Saskatoon, then you must be committed to wearing your aligners for 22 hours a day. Since the aligners are removable, many patients feel that they don’t need to wear them all day as suggested by their dentist. However, this will prolong the treatment time and cause potential complications as well. The level of commitment that you show will directly impact the length of your treatment time when it comes to Invisalign.

Advantages of Invisalign

Some of the main advantages of choosing Invisalign are:

  • A discreet look: since the aligners are virtually invisible, adult patients love that most people can’t see that they are undergoing aligning treatment.

  • Removable: since the aligners are removable, they make for easy cleaning, and there is no need to restrict your diet.

  • Fewer dental checkups: since your entire treatment plan is mapped out initially, Invisalign ensures that you only need to visit our dental clinic in Saskatoon for brief progress checks.

  • Comfortable: while moving teeth is always uncomfortable, Invisalign is generally gentler than traditional braces. Furthermore, the aligners are made of smooth plastic, so you won’t have to worry about cuts or sores from them.

Advantages of Braces

Here are some of the benefits of choosing to get dental braces in Saskatoon:

  • Suitable for all needs: when it comes to braces, it doesn’t matter how severe your misalignment is. You may have multiple dental issues that need correcting, and dental braces in Saskatoon can be used to fix each one.

  • Multiple types to choose from: thanks to advances in dental technology, there are many types of braces to choose from, such as metal, lingual, and ceramic braces that are less noticeable.

  • Possible to achieve a perfect smile: generally, our dentist in Saskatoon has noticed that braces can achieve a better final result than Invisalign. Braces exert more force to move the teeth into the correct position, whereas Invisalign is limited in terms of how many teeth can be moved at one time.

Visit Saskatoon Smiles

If you are interested in learning more about your orthodontic treatment options, please visit our dental clinic. When you visit our team, our dentist in Saskatoon will work with you to determine if dental braces or Invisalign is right for you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to book a consultation today! We look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams.